Content of CYTOCON DB:

    • Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus tumor tissue
    • Airway (bronchial) epithelium
    • Airway lamina propria
    • Airway smooth muscle
    • Airways adventitia
    • Airways basement membrane
    • Alveolar wall
    • Ascending colon lamina propria
    • Basement membrane of epidermis
    • Basement membrane of epidermis lesional
    • Basement membrane of epidermis nonlesional
    • Benign lung lesion homogenates
    • Bladder tumor tissue
    • Blood
    • Blood arterial
    • Blood from tumor
    • Bone marrow
    • Bone marrow blood
    • Bone marrow plasma
    • Brain metastases stroma
    • Brain tissue
    • Brain tissue lysate (BA21)
    • Breast cancer invasive margin
    • Breast cancer tumor center
    • Breast cancer tumor tissue
    • Breast intra-ductal region
    • Breast intra-lobular region
    • Breast parenchyma
    • Breast peri-ductal region
    • Breast peri-lobular region
    • Breast peri-vascular region
    • Bronchial glands
    • Bronchial mucosa
    • Bronchial subepithelial tissue
    • Bronchial submucosa
    • Bronchial tissue
    • Bronchial wash
    • Bronchoalveolar carcinoma tumor tissue
    • Broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL)
    • Caecum lamina propria
    • Caecum lymphoid aggregates
    • Caecum mucosa
    • Cartilage
    • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
    • Cervical carcinoma tumor tissue
    • Cervical tissue
    • Cervical tumor tissue
    • Cervix adenocarcinoma tumor tissue
    • Cervix squamous cell carcinoma tumor tissue
    • Colon
    • Colon epithelium
    • colon lamina propria lymphoid aggregates/solitary follicles
    • colon lamina propria outside lymphoid aggregates/solitary follicles
    • Colon mucosa
    • Colonic lamina propria
    • Colonic lymphoid follicles
    • Colorectal cancer tumor center
    • Colorectal cancer tumor invasive margin
    • Colorectal cancer tumor tissue
    • Coproextracts
    • Cord blood
    • CTCL tumor tissue
    • Dermis
    • Dermis ISF
    • Dermis papillary
    • Dermis papillary lesional
    • Dermis papillary nonlesional
    • Dermis upper
    • Dermis upper lesional
    • Dermis upper nonlesional
    • Descending colon mucosa
    • Distant metastasis
    • Duodenal lamina propria
    • Duodenal mucosa
    • Endobronchial (airway) biopsies
    • Epidermis
    • Epithelial lining fluid in airways
    • Esophageal cancer tumor tissue
    • Esophageal tumor tissue lysate
    • Exhaled Breath Condensate
    • Gastric mucosa
    • Gastric polyp tissue
    • Gastric tissue
    • Gastric tumor tissue
    • Gastritis tissue
    • Gut-associated lymphoid tissue
    • HCC peritumoral stroma
    • HCC peritumoral tissue
    • Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma primary tumor
    • Hepatocellular carcinoma tumor tissue
    • Ileal mucosa
    • Ileal mucosa inflamed
    • Ileal mucosa non-inflamed
    • Ileum epithelium
    • Ileum lamina propria
    • Ileum lymphoid aggregates
    • Ileum/Colon mucosa
    • Induced Sputum
    • Inflamed caecum mucosa
    • Inflamed colon mucosa
    • Inflamed colonic lamina propria
    • Inflamed descending colon mucosa
    • Inflamed ileum lamina propria
    • Inflamed intestinal lamina propria
    • Inflamed left flexure mucosa
    • Inflamed rectum mucosa
    • Inflamed right flexure mucosa
    • Inflamed sigmoid colon mucosa
    • Intermediate lymph node
    • Intestinal adventitia
    • Intestinal granulomas
    • Intestinal lamina propria
    • Intestinal lymphoid aggregates
    • Intestinal mucosa
    • Intestinal mucosa lymphoid follicules
    • Intestinal muscular
    • Intestinal submucosa
    • Intratumor soft tissue of synovial sarcoma
    • Intratumoral region of tumor-draining/sentinel lymph node - metastatic
    • Invasive margin of tumor soft tissue of synovial sarcoma
    • Jejunal epithelium
    • Jejunal lamina propria
    • Left flexure mucosa
    • Lesional dermis
    • Lesional dermis ISF
    • Lesional epidermis
    • Lesional skin
    • Liver
    • Liver metastases peritumoral
    • Liver metastasis intratumoral
    • Liver periportal regions
    • Liver: hepatic lobules
    • Liver: portal area
    • Lung adenocarcinoma tumor tissue
    • Lung cancer tissue
    • Lung parenchymal regions
    • Lung tissue
    • Lung vascular/perivascular regions
    • Lymph
    • Lymph node
    • Main lymph node
    • Melanoma peritumoral tissue
    • Melanoma tumor tissue
    • Meninges
    • Mesenteric lymph node
    • Metastasis in distant node
    • Metastasis in liver
    • Metastasis in lung
    • Metastasis in ovary
    • N1 regional lymph nodes
    • N2 regional lymph nodes
    • Nasal lavage
    • Nasal secretion
    • Nasal smears
    • Non-inflamed colon lamina propria
    • Non-inflamed intestinal lamina propria
    • Non-lesional dermis
    • Non-lesional dermis ISF
    • Non-lesional epidermis
    • Non-lesional skin
    • Non-regional lymph nodes
    • Nontumor liver parenchyma
    • NSCLC Intersection of tumor tissue and normal pulmonary tissue
    • NSCLC peritumoral tissue
    • NSCLC tissue (tumor+stroma)
    • NSCLC tumor islets (nests)
    • NSCLC tumor stroma
    • NSCLC tumor tissue
    • NSCLC Tumor tissue homogenate
    • Oesophageal adenocarcinoma tumor centre
    • Oesophageal adenocarcinoma tumor edge
    • Ovarian cancer tumor tissue
    • Palatine tonsils
    • Pancreatic cancer stroma
    • Pancreatic tissue
    • Pancreatic tumor tissue
    • Pericardial effusion
    • Peri-intestinal lymph node
    • Peripheral bronchial biopsy specimens
    • Peritoneum
    • Peritumoral region of tumor-draining/sentinel lymph node - metastatic
    • Peyer’s patches
    • Plasma
    • Plasma arterial
    • Plasma from cord blood
    • Pleural effusion
    • Prostate cancer tissue
    • Prostate tissue
    • Rectal lamina propria
    • Rectum mucosa
    • Renal tissue
    • Renal tumor capsula
    • Renal tumor margin
    • Renal tumor stroma
    • Renal tumor tissue
    • Right flexure mucosa
    • Saliva
    • Seeding metastasis
    • Serum
    • Serum from cord blood
    • Serum from tumor
    • Sigmoid colon lamina propria
    • Sigmoid colon mucosa
    • Skin
    • Small intestine
    • Small intestine lamina propria
    • Spleen
    • Sputum
    • Squamos cell carcinoma tumor stroma
    • Squamous cell carcinoma tumor tissue
    • Stratum corneum of epidermis
    • Stratum corneum of lesional epidermis
    • Stratum corneum of non-lesional epidermis
    • Stroma region of colon
    • Suction Blister Fluids
    • Synovial fluid
    • Synovial membrane
    • Synovial membrane intima
    • Synovial membrane subintima
    • Synovial membrane-around lymphocyte clusters
    • Synovial tissue
    • Tears
    • Thyroid adenoma tumor tissue
    • Thyroid carcinoma tumor tissue
    • Thyroid tissue
    • Tonsil tissue
    • Transbronchial (alveolar tissue) biopsies
    • Tumor
    • Tumor adjacent tissue
    • Tumor border zone
    • Tumor center zone
    • Tumor region of colon
    • Tumor-draining/sentinel lymph node
    • Tumor-draining/sentinel lymph node - metastatic
    • Tumor-draining/sentinel lymph node - non-metastatic
    • Tumor-Invaded Lymph Node
    • Urine
    • Vitreous
    • 1,2-Diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine
    • 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE)
    • 13,14-dihydro-15-keto Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)
    • 13,14-dihydro-15-keto Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
    • 14-HDoHE
    • 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE)
    • 17-hydroxyprogesterone
    • 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)
    • 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE)
    • 5'-nucleotidase
    • 6-Keto-Prostaglandin F1α (6-Keto-PGF1α)
    • 8-Epi-prostaglandin F2alpha
    • 8-Hete
    • 8-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)
    • 8-isoprostane
    • 9a,11b-Prostaglandin F2 (9a,11b-PGF2)
    • 9-hydroxy-10E,12Z-octadecadienoic acid
    • A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 4
    • A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 5
    • AAT-NE complex (ANEC)
    • Abeta42
    • Acetylcholine
    • Adenine
    • Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
    • Adenosine Phosphate
    • Adiponectin
    • Adipsin
    • Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
    • Advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor
    • ALA (alpha-linolenic acid)
    • Alanine aminotransferase 1
    • Albumin
    • Albuterol
    • Allantoin
    • Allocystathionine
    • ALP (Alkaline phosphatase)
    • Alpha-1 antitrypsin
    • Alpha-1 globulin
    • Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1
    • Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin
    • Alpha1-fetoprotein
    • Alpha-2 globulin
    • Alpha2-antiplasmin (A2PI)
    • Alpha2-macroglobulin (a2M)
    • Alpha-tocopherol
    • aMCV
    • Amylase
    • Androstenedione
    • Angiogenin
    • Angiopoietin-1
    • Angiopoietin-2
    • Angiostatin
    • Angiotensin-converting enzyme
    • anti-BP-180
    • anti-BP-230
    • anti-EGFR IgG
    • anti-HBc
    • Anti-HER2 IgA
    • Anti-HER2 IgG
    • Anti-SEA IgE (anti-staphylococcus enterotoxin A)
    • Anti-SEB IgE (anti-staphylococcus enterotoxin B)
    • ApoA-II
    • ApoA-IV
    • ApoB
    • ApoC-II [Apolipoprotein C-II]
    • ApoC-III
    • ApoE
    • Apolipoprotein A-I
    • Appetite-regulating hormone
    • APRIL
    • Arachidonic Acid
    • Arginase-1
    • Arg-Ser
    • Ascorbic acid
    • Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
    • aspartate transaminase
    • Axl (tyrosine-protein kinase 7)
    • B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator
    • BAFF
    • BAMBI
    • Barbituric Acid
    • Bcl-2
    • Beta-2-microglobulin
    • Betacellulin (BTC)
    • Beta-globulin
    • beta-Hydroxyisovaleric acid
    • b-FGF (basic fibroblast growth factor, FGF2)
    • Bilirubin direct
    • Bilirubin indirect
    • Bilirubin total
    • Blood urea nitrogen
    • Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
    • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
    • C1q (Complement component 1q)
    • C1s (Complement component 1s)
    • C1s inactivator
    • C2 (Complement component 2)
    • C3 (Complement component 3)
    • C3 PA (properdin factor B)
    • C3c (Complement component 3c)
    • C3d (Complement component 3d)
    • C4 (Complement component 4)
    • C5a receptor (CD88)
    • C9 (Complement component 9)
    • CA 72-4 (cancer antigen 72-4)
    • CA125 (cancer antigen 125)
    • CA12-5 (cancer antigen 12-5)
    • CA15-3 (cancer antigen 15-3)
    • CA19-9 (cancer antigen 19-9)
    • Cadherin-1
    • Calcitonin
    • Carbamide
    • Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
    • Cardiac Troponin I (cTnI)
    • Cathelicidin (LL-37)
    • C-C chemokine receptor type 1
    • cccDNA
    • CCL1 [C-C motif chemokine Ligand 1]
    • CCL11
    • CCL13
    • CCL14a [C-C motif chemokine Ligand 14 alpha]
    • CCL15
    • CCL16 (HCC-4)
    • CCL17
    • CCL18
    • CCL19
    • CCL2
    • CCL20
    • CCL21
    • CCL22
    • CCL23
    • CCL24
    • CCL25
    • CCL26
    • CCL27
    • CCL28
    • CCL3
    • CCL4
    • CCL5 [C-C motif chemokine Ligand 5]
    • CCL7
    • CCL8
    • CCN family member 2
    • CCP (Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide) antibodies
    • CD200 (OX-2) glycoprotein
    • CD40 ligand
    • CGRP [Calcitonin Gene Related Protein]
    • CH50 (Hemolytic Complement 50)
    • Chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40)
    • Chitotriosidase-1
    • Cholesterol
    • Cholesteryl ester
    • Choline Alfoscerate
    • Cholinesterase (butyrylcholinesterase)
    • ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF)
    • Citrate
    • CKMB (creatine kinase isoenzyme)
    • clec9A
    • Collagen alpha-1(I) chain
    • Collagen IV (C-IV)
    • Complement C1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 3
    • Complement factor B
    • Coriolic acid
    • Cortisol
    • C-peptide
    • C-reactive protein (CRP)
    • Creatine kinase
    • Creatinine
    • Cryptoxanthin
    • C-telopeptide
    • CTRP15 (Complement C1q/tumor necrosis factor-related protein 15)
    • CTRP6 (C1q/tumor necrosis factor- α-related protein-6)
    • CTX II (C-terminal crosslinked telopeptides of Type II collagen)
    • CX3CL1
    • CXCL1
    • CXCL10
    • CXCL11
    • CXCL12a [C-X-C motif chemokine Ligand 12 alpha]
    • CXCL13
    • CXCL16
    • CXCL2
    • CXCL3
    • CXCL4
    • CXCL5
    • CXCL6
    • CXCL7
    • CXCL9
    • Cyclohexylamine
    • CYFRA 21.1
    • Cystatin C (CysC)
    • Cysteinyl leukotrienes (Cys-LTs)
    • Cytokeratin18 (CK18)
    • Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4
    • D-dimer (fibrin degradation product)
    • Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
    • DGLA (dihomo-gamma linolenic acid)
    • DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid)
    • DHEA (dehydroxyepiandrostenedione)
    • Dickkopf-related protein 1
    • Diethanolamine
    • Dihydrothymine
    • DL-Alanyl-DL-leucine
    • DNA repair nuclease/redox regulator APEX1
    • DPA (Docosapentaenoic acid)
    • E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase MIB1
    • ECP [Eosinophil Cationic Protein]
    • Elafin
    • Elastin-derived peptide
    • EMMPRIN (CD147)
    • Endoglin (CD105)
    • Endostatin
    • Endothelin-1
    • Endotoxin
    • Eosinophil protein Х (EPX)
    • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid)
    • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
    • Epinephrine
    • ErbB2(CD340, HER-2)
    • Erythroferrone
    • Erythropoietin
    • Estradiol (E2)
    • FABP-2
    • FABP4
    • Fatty acid-binding protein, liver
    • Ferritin
    • FGF
    • FGF-2 ( fibroblast growth factor 2)
    • FGF21
    • Fibrin
    • Fibrin Degradation Products (FDP)
    • Fibrinogen
    • Fibrinogen-like protein 1
    • Fibronectin
    • Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5
    • FLCs kappa
    • FLCs lambda
    • Flt3‑L
    • Folate
    • Folate receptor beta (FR‐beta)
    • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
    • Follistatin
    • Follistatin-related protein 1
    • Free Choline
    • Free fatty acid receptor 2
    • Free Fatty acids (FFA)
    • Free Glycerol
    • Free testosterone
    • FT3 (free triiodothyronine)
    • FT4 (free thyroxine)
    • Galectin-1
    • Galectin-3
    • Galectin-9
    • Gamma-globulin
    • gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT)
    • gamma-Glutamylalanine
    • Gamma-tocopherol
    • GCSF [Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor]
    • GDF15
    • GH (growth hormone/somatotropin)
    • GHR (Growth hormone receptor)
    • Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)
    • Glial fibrillary acidic protein
    • Globulin
    • Glucose
    • Glutamate--cysteine ligase
    • Glutamic Acid
    • Glutamic pyruvic transferase
    • Glutathione peroxidase 1
    • Glutathione reductase, mitochondrial
    • Glyceric acid
    • Glycoprotein 130 (gp130)
    • Glycyl-proline-dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (GPDA)
    • GMCSF [Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor]
    • Granulysin (GNLY)
    • GranzymeA
    • GranzymeB
    • GRO [Growth-Related Oncogene]
    • GSH (reduced glutathione)
    • GSSG (oxidised glutathione)
    • H2O2
    • Haem oxygenase I
    • Haptoglobin
    • hBD-2 (human β-defensin 2)
    • hBD-3 (human β-defensin 3)
    • HBeAg
    • HB-EGF (Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor)
    • HBsAg
    • HBV DNA
    • HBV RNA
    • HCV RNA
    • HDL-cholesterol
    • HDL-unesterified cholesterol
    • HE4 (Human epididymis protein 4)
    • HELIX-II (type II collagen helical peptide)
    • Hemoglobin
    • Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1
    • Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
    • Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)
    • Hepcidin
    • Hepcidin-25
    • Heptadecanoic acid
    • High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1, amphoterin)
    • high sensitive troponin I (hsTnI)
    • High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
    • Hippurate
    • Histamine
    • HIV p24 antigen
    • HIV RNA
    • HNPs (human neutrophil peptides, defensins)
    • Homocysteine
    • HSP-70 (Heat shock protein‑70)
    • Hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1
    • Hyaluronic acid (HA)
    • ICAM
    • ICAM-1
    • IFN lambda2 (IL28a)
    • IFNa [Interferon alpha]
    • IFNa2a
    • IFNb
    • IFNGR1
    • IFN-lambda2/3
    • IgA
    • IgE
    • IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1)
    • IGFBP-1
    • IGFBP-2 (insulin like growth factor binding protein 2)
    • IGFBP-3
    • IGFBP-4
    • IgG
    • IgG1
    • IgG2
    • IgG3
    • IgG4
    • IgM
    • IL1
    • IL10
    • IL11
    • IL12
    • IL12a (IL12p35)
    • IL12b (IL23p40)
    • IL12p70
    • IL13
    • IL15
    • IL16
    • IL17
    • IL17a
    • IL17af
    • IL17F
    • IL18
    • IL18 BPa
    • IL18BP (Interleukin-18 Binding Protein)
    • IL19
    • IL1a
    • IL1b
    • IL1RA [Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist]
    • IL1RAcP
    • IL1RL1 [Interleukin 1 Receptor Like 1]
    • IL2
    • IL20
    • IL21
    • IL22
    • IL23 (p19/p40)
    • IL23p19 (IL23a)
    • IL24
    • IL25
    • IL26
    • IL27
    • IL28a
    • IL29
    • IL2R
    • IL2Ra (sCD25)
    • IL3
    • IL31
    • IL32
    • IL33
    • IL34
    • IL35
    • IL36
    • IL36a
    • Il36g
    • IL36R
    • IL37
    • IL4
    • IL5
    • IL5 Ralpha
    • IL6
    • IL7
    • IL8
    • IL9
    • Immune complexes (IC)
    • Immunoreactive LTC4 (iLTC4)
    • Indole-3-lactic acid
    • Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1
    • INFa2 [Interferon alpha 2]
    • Insulin
    • Intercellular adhesion molecule 5
    • Interferon (IFN)
    • Interferon alpha-1/13
    • Interferon alpha-2
    • Interferon alpha-8
    • Interferon gamma
    • Interleukin-1 family member 10
    • Interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein
    • Interleukin-15 receptor subunit alpha
    • Interleukin-17B
    • Interleukin-17C
    • Interleukin-22 receptor subunit alpha-2
    • Interleukin-36 receptor antagonist protein
    • Interleukin-4 receptor subunit alpha
    • Iron
    • ischemia-modified albumin (IMA)
    • Kallikrein 8
    • Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 19
    • Keratinocyte growth factor
    • Keratocan
    • KL-6
    • Kynurenine
    • Labile plasma iron
    • Lactate
    • Lactate dehydrogenase
    • Lactic Acid
    • Laminin (LN)
    • Lauric Acid
    • LDL-cholesterol
    • Leptin
    • Leucine
    • LIF (leukemia inhibitory factor)
    • LIGHT (TNFSF14, CD258)
    • Linoleic Acid
    • Lipase
    • Lipocalin-2
    • Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein
    • Lipoxin A4
    • Lp(a) (lipoprotein A)
    • LRG (leucine-rich alpha-2 glycoprotein)
    • LTB4
    • LTC4
    • LTD4
    • LTE4
    • Luteinizing hormone (LH)
    • Lymphocyte activation gene 3 protein
    • Lymphotoxin-alpha
    • Lysozyme
    • Macrophage mannose receptor 1
    • Malondialdehyde
    • MAO [Monoamine Oxidase]
    • MAPK
    • Mast cell chymase
    • Mast cell tryptase
    • MCP (CD46)
    • MCSF
    • Melatonin
    • Meteorin
    • Meteorin-like protein
    • MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A
    • MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence B
    • Midkine
    • MIF
    • MIP [Macrophage Inflammatory Protein]
    • MMP1
    • MMP10
    • MMP12
    • MMP13
    • MMP2
    • MMP3
    • MMP7
    • MMP8
    • MMP9
    • M-protein (Myeloma protein)
    • MSPa (macrophage stimulating protein a)
    • MUFA (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids)
    • Myeloblastin
    • Myeloperoxidase (MPO)
    • Myoglobin
    • N-Acetylneuraminic Acid-d3
    • Natriuretic peptides A
    • Nectin-2
    • Neopterin
    • Neurofilament heavy chain
    • Neurofilament heavy polypeptide
    • Neurofilament light chain
    • Neuron-specifc enolase (NSE)
    • Neuropeptide Y
    • Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3)
    • Neurotrophin-4 (NT-4)
    • Neutrophil elastase
    • NF-kB
    • NGF [Nerve Growth Factor]
    • NGF-beta (beta-nerve growth factor)
    • Niacinamide
    • Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase
    • NLRP3 (Nod-like receptor protein 3 inflammasome)
    • NO [Nitric Oxide]
    • Non transferrin bound iron
    • Nonesterified Fatty Acid (NEFA)
    • Non-HDL-unesterified cholesterol
    • Non-secretory ribonuclease
    • Norepinephrine
    • Notch-3
    • NT-proBNP (N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide)
    • Oleic Acid
    • Omentin
    • Oncostatin-M
    • ONOO (Peroxynitrite)
    • Osteocalcin
    • Osteopontin (OPN)
    • Palmitoleic Acid
    • Parathyroid hormone
    • PARC (recombinant human MIP-4)
    • PC-III (type III pre-collagen)
    • PDGF-AA
    • PDGFB (Platelet-derived growth factor subunit B)
    • PDGF-BB [Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB]
    • Pentraxin-3
    • Perforin
    • Periostin
    • Peroxiredoxin 4 (Prx4)
    • PGE1
    • PGE2 [Prostaglandin E2]
    • Phenylalanine
    • Phenylalanylphenylalanine
    • Phenylalanylserine
    • Phosphorylcholine Chloride
    • PIIINP (procollagen-III N-terminal peptide)
    • PINP (amino-terminal propeptide of procollagen type I)
    • PIVKA-II
    • Plasmin-alpha2-plasmin inhibitor complex (PIC)
    • Plasminogen
    • Plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 (PAI-2)
    • Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
    • Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (PECAM-1)
    • Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF)
    • Platelet-derived growth factor subunit A
    • Platelet-derived growth factor subunit B
    • Pleiotrophin (PTN)
    • PlGF-1 (Placental growth Factor 1)
    • Poliovirus receptor
    • Prealbumin
    • Presepsin
    • proApoA1
    • pro-BNP (pro-B-type natriuretic peptide)
    • Procalcitonin
    • Procollagen-3
    • Progastrin‐releasing peptide (ProGRP)
    • Programmed cell death 1 ligand 2
    • Progranulin
    • Prolactin (PRL)
    • Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2)
    • Prostaglandin F2b (PGF2b)
    • Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α)
    • Prostate-specific antigen
    • Protein carbonyls
    • Protein IL-40
    • Protein S100-A12
    • Protein S100-A4
    • Protein S100-A8
    • Protein S100-A9
    • Protein total
    • P-tau (phosphorylated tau)
    • PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids)
    • Pyruvate
    • RANK
    • RANKL (TNFSF11)
    • Renin
    • Resistin
    • Retinoic acid receptor responder protein 2
    • Retinol-binding protein (RBP)
    • Retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP-4)
    • RF (Rheumatoid Factor)
    • RF-IgM
    • RIPK1 (receptor-interacting protein kinase-1)
    • S100A8/A9
    • sAbetaPPbeta
    • sC5b-9
    • sCD14
    • sCD163
    • sCD23
    • sCD27
    • sCD30
    • sCD4
    • sCD8
    • SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids)
    • SCGF-b (Stem Cell Growth Factor beta)
    • sc-kit (SCFR)
    • Sclerostin
    • Secreted frizzled-related protein 2
    • Secreted frizzled-related protein 3
    • Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI)
    • sEGFR (Soluble epidermal growth factor receptor)
    • Selenium
    • Serpin B3
    • Serum amyloid A
    • sE-selectin (CD62E)
    • SFA (Saturated Fatty Acids)
    • Sgp130 (Soluble Glycoprotein 130)
    • Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 5
    • Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 7
    • Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 9
    • Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3
    • sIL-18Ra
    • sIL1R1 (Soluble Interleukin-1 Receptor-1)
    • sIL1R2 (Soluble Interleukin-1 Receptor-2)
    • sIL1R4 (Soluble Interleukin-1 Receptor-4)
    • sIL2R
    • sIL2Ra (Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor subunit alpha)
    • sIL6R
    • sIL6Ra
    • sIL7R
    • sILT3
    • SLAMF8
    • sLLT1
    • sL-selectin
    • sNOX2dp
    • Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)
    • soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (sTREM-1)
    • SP-40,40 (clusterin)
    • SPARC
    • sPD-1
    • sPD-L1
    • Sphingomyelin
    • S-protein (vitronectin)
    • sP-selectin
    • sST2 (Soluble suppression of tumorigenicity-2)
    • Stearic Acid
    • Stem Cell Factor (SCF)
    • sTIE-2 (soluble angiopoietin receptor 2)
    • sTNF-R1
    • sTNF-R2
    • sTREM2 (soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2)
    • Stromal cell-derived factor 1
    • Substance P (SP)
    • SuperOxide Dismutase (SOD)
    • Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
    • Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
    • Surfactant protein A (SP-A)
    • Surfactant protein D (SP-D)
    • sVEGFR1
    • sVEGFR2
    • Syndecan-1
    • Syndecan-2
    • Taurine
    • T-cell-specific surface glycoprotein CD28
    • Tenascin C
    • TgAb (thyroglobulin antibodies)
    • TGFa
    • TGFb
    • TGF-beta receptor type-1
    • TGF-beta receptor type-2
    • Thioredoxin 1 (TRX1)
    • Thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT)
    • Thrombomodulin
    • Thrombopoietin (TPO, MGDF)
    • Thrombospondin-1
    • Thrombospondin-2 (THBS2)
    • Thromboxane B2 (TXB2)
    • Thr-Phe
    • Thyroglobulin (TG)
    • TIMP1
    • TIMP2
    • TIMP3
    • TIMP4
    • Tissue factor
    • Tissue factor pathway inhibitor
    • Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA)
    • Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)/plasminogen activator inhibitor type I (PAI) complex (tPA/PAI)
    • TL1A (TNFSF15)
    • T-lymphocyte activation antigen CD80
    • T-lymphocyte activation antigen CD86
    • TNFR1
    • TNFRSF19L
    • TNTHSST (high-sensitivity troponin T)
    • Toll-like receptor 2
    • Total bile acid (TBA)
    • Total cholesterol
    • Total testosterone
    • TPOAb (Thyroid peroxidase antibody)
    • TRAb (thyrotropin receptor autoantibody)
    • TRAIL (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand)
    • TRAIL R1
    • Transferrin
    • Transforming growth factor beta-1 proprotein
    • Transforming growth factor beta-2 proprotein
    • Transforming growth factor beta-3 proprotein
    • Transthyretin
    • Triglyceride
    • Triglycerides
    • Troponin
    • Troponin I
    • Troponin T
    • Tryptase
    • TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone)
    • TSLP
    • T-tau (total tau)
    • Tumor necrosis factor
    • Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 8
    • Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6
    • Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11B
    • Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 18
    • Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 5
    • Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6
    • Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 9
    • TWEAK
    • Type II procollagen gene
    • Tyramine
    • Unesterified cholesterol
    • Urate
    • Urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor
    • Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA)
    • VAP-1 (vascular adhesion protein-1)
    • VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1)
    • VEGF [Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor]
    • VEGF-A
    • VEGF-C
    • VEGF-D
    • VIP [Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide]
    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin B12
    • Vitamin B6
    • Vitamin D-binding protein
    • VLDL
    • von Willebrand factor
    • V-set domain-containing T-cell activation inhibitor 1
    • Xanthine
    • XCL1
    • α-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (α-HBDH)
    • α-L-fucosidase
    • Activated B-cells
    • activated circulating endothelial cells (aCECs)
    • Activated Eosinophils
    • Activated memory Tc-cells
    • Activated Memory T-cells
    • Activated memory Th-cells
    • Activated Monocytes
    • Activated NK-cells
    • Activated suppressor T cells
    • Activated Tc-cells
    • Activated T-cells
    • Activated Tfh-cells
    • Activated Th1
    • Activated Th17-cells
    • Activated Th-cells
    • Activated Treg-cells
    • Activated switched memory B-cells
    • Age-associated-like B-cells
    • alpha-beta T-cells
    • Antigen Presenting Cell (APC)
    • Apoptotic cells
    • Atypical activated memory cells
    • Atypical memory B-cells
    • B10 cells
    • Basophils
    • B-cells
    • Blast cells
    • Bm1-cells
    • Bm2-cells
    • Bm3-cells
    • Bm4-cells
    • Bm5 Early cells
    • Bm5 Late cells
    • Breg cells
    • Cells
    • Central memory DN Th17-cells
    • Central memory DP Th17-cells
    • Central memory Tc-cells
    • Central memory T-cells
    • Central memory Tfh-cells
    • Central memory Th17.1-cells
    • Central memory Th17-cells
    • Central memory Th1-cells
    • Central memory Th2-cells
    • Central memory Th-cells
    • Circulating endothelial cells
    • Circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs)
    • Circulating progenitor cells (CPCs)
    • Circulating tumor cells (CTCs)
    • Classical DC1
    • Classical DC2
    • classical Th17-like
    • Class-swiched B-cells
    • class-switched memory B cells
    • Clonal B-cells
    • Columnar epithelial cells
    • DC (Dendritic Cells)
    • Dermal dendritic cells
    • Double negative memory B-cells
    • Double negative Th17
    • Double positive B-cells
    • Double positive T cells (DP T cells)
    • Double positive Tfh
    • Double positive Th17
    • Double-Negative B-cells
    • Double-negative T cells
    • Double-Positive (DP) memory Th-cells
    • Dual-TCR-Treg-cells
    • Early effector memory Tc-cells
    • Early effector memory Th-cells
    • Early T-cells
    • Effector memory B-cells
    • Effector memory DN Th17-cells
    • Effector memory DP Tfh-cells
    • Effector memory DP Th17-cells
    • Effector memory Tc-cells
    • Effector memory T-cells
    • Effector memory Tfh17-cells
    • Effector memory Tfh1-cells
    • Effector memory Tfh2-cells
    • Effector memory Tfh-cells
    • Effector memory Th17.1-cells
    • Effector memory Th2-cells
    • Effector memory Th-cells
    • Effector Tc-cells
    • Effector T-cells
    • Effector Th-cells
    • Effector Treg cells
    • e-MDSC (early stage MDSC)
    • Eosinophil
    • Epidermal cells
    • Epithelial cells
    • Erythroblasts
    • Erythroid cells (CECs)
    • Exhausted T-cells
    • Fibroblast-like synoviocytes
    • Fibrocytes
    • Follicular Treg cells (Tfr)
    • Functional T-cells
    • gamma-delta T17-cells
    • gamma-delta T-cells
    • Germinal Center B-cells
    • G-MDSC [Granulocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells]
    • Hepatocytes
    • Histiocytes
    • IDEC (Inflammatory Dendritic Epidermal Cells)
    • ILC2 (Innate lymphoid cells 2)
    • Immature B cells
    • Immature granulocytes
    • Immature platelets
    • Immature T-cells
    • Immature transitional B cells
    • Immune cells
    • Immunocytes(T-cells,B-cells,Mast cells)
    • Induced regulatory T cells
    • iNKT cells
    • Intermediate T-cells
    • Invariant natural killer T-cell
    • Kupffer cells
    • Langerhans Cells (LC)
    • Late effector memory Tc-cells
    • Late effector memory Th-cells
    • Late memory Tc-cells
    • Late T-cells
    • Lymph node-resident Dendritic cell (LNDC)
    • Lymphocytes
    • M2a-macrophages
    • M2b-macrophages
    • M2c-macrophages
    • Macrophages
    • Mast cells
    • Mast cells progenitor
    • Mature B cells
    • Mature Dendritic Cells (DC)
    • Mature Langerhans cells
    • Mature naive B cells
    • mDC [Myeloid Dendritic Cells]
    • Memory B-cells
    • Memory regulatory T-cells
    • Memory Tc-cells
    • Memory T-cells
    • memory Th17.1-cells
    • memory Th17-cells
    • Memory Th1-cell
    • memory Th22-cells
    • memory Th2-cells
    • memory Th-cells
    • Memory Treg-cells
    • Metachromatic cells (mast cells and basophils)
    • M-MDSC [Monocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells]
    • Monocytes
    • Monocytes/macrophages
    • Mononuclear cells
    • Myeloid cells
    • Myeloid Dendritic Cells 1 (mDC1)
    • Myeloid Dendritic Cells 2 (mDC2)
    • Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC)
    • Naive B-cells
    • Naive regulatory B-cells
    • Naive regulatory T-cells
    • Naive suppressor T cells
    • Naive Tc-cells
    • Naive T-cells
    • Naive Th1
    • Naive Th-cells
    • Naive Treg-cells
    • Natural Effector B-cells
    • Natural killer T-cells
    • Neutrophil
    • Neutrophil total
    • Neutrophils Nonsegmented
    • Neutrophils Segmented
    • New memory B cells
    • NK (Natural Killer cells)
    • NK1
    • NKT [Natural Killer-like T-cells]
    • Non-memory B cells
    • Nonsuppressive Treg-cells
    • Non-switched B cells
    • Non‐switched memory B-cells
    • Non-Treg memory T-cells
    • non-Treg-cells
    • nucleated RBCs
    • Pan-leukocytes
    • PBMC (Lymphocytes and Monocytes)
    • PD-L1+ Cell
    • Peripheral blood monocytes
    • Plasma B-cells
    • Plasmablasts
    • Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells (pDC)
    • Platelets
    • PMN-MDSCs [Mononuclear Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell]
    • Polyclonal B-cells
    • Polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes
    • Post-switched memory B cells
    • Precursor neutrophils
    • Precursor of Germinal Center B-cells
    • Pre-naive B-cells
    • Pre-switched memory B cells
    • Primarily memory B cells
    • Red blood cells
    • resting circulating endothelial cells (rCECs)
    • Resting class-switched memory B-cells
    • Resting neutrophils
    • Resting Treg-cells
    • Reticulated siderocytes
    • Reticulocyte
    • Ring sideroblasts
    • RTE-Treg-cells
    • Sezary cells
    • Siderocytes
    • Squamous cells
    • Stem Cell Memory T cell (Tscm)
    • sTreg-cells
    • Stromal cells
    • Suppressor T cells
    • Suppressor T-lymphocytes
    • Switch precursor B-cells
    • Switched memory B-cells
    • T1 Transitional B cells
    • T2 Transitional B cells
    • Tang-cells (angiogenic)
    • Tc10-cells
    • Tc17.1-cells
    • Tc17-cells
    • Tc1-cells
    • Tc21-cells
    • Tc22-cells
    • Tc2-cells
    • Tc9-cells
    • Tc-cells
    • T-cells
    • Tconv-cells
    • Tcreg-cells
    • TD-T-cells (Terminally differentiated effector T cells)
    • TEMRA (Terminally differentiated effector memory T cells)
    • TEMRA Tc-cells
    • TEMRA Th-cells
    • Terminal effector T-cells
    • Tfc-cells (follicular cytotoxic T-cells)
    • Tfh1.17-cells
    • Tfh17.1-cells
    • Tfh17-cells
    • Tfh1-cells
    • Tfh2-cells
    • Tfh-cells (follicular helper T-cells)
    • Th0-cells
    • Th17.1-cells
    • Th17-cells
    • Th1-cells
    • Th22-cells
    • Th2-cells
    • Th9-cells
    • Th-cells
    • Th-cells exhausted
    • T-helper lymphocytes
    • TIP-DC (TNF and iNOS-producing dendritic cell)
    • Total cell count
    • Tph-cells (peripheral helper T-cells)
    • Transitional B cells
    • Transitional memory T-cells
    • Treg-cells
    • Trm-cells (tissue-resident memory T cells)
    • Unswitched memory B-cells
    • White Blood Cells (WBC)
    • _No markers_
    • 5HT1AR+
    • 5HT2AR+
    • AA1+
    • a-GalCer/CD1d tetramer+
    • ALDH+
    • alpha/beta-TCR+
    • Annexin V+
    • arginase-1+
    • B7-Н3+
    • bcl2+
    • Bcl6+
    • BDCA1+
    • BDCA2+
    • BDCA3+
    • BDCA4+
    • BDNF+
    • BLIMP-1low
    • BR3+
    • BTLA+
    • C3 receptor (CRL)+
    • C38++
    • CCL1+ (I-309+)
    • CCL17+ (TARC+)
    • CCL22+ (MDC+)
    • CCR1+
    • CCR10-
    • CCR10+
    • CCR2+ (CD192+)
    • CCR3+
    • CCR4-(CD194-)
    • CCR4-/+(CD194-/+)
    • CCR4+(CD194+)
    • CCR4neg
    • CCR5-(CD195-)
    • CCR5(CD195)int
    • CCR5+(CD195+)
    • CCR6-(CD196-)
    • CCR6-/+(CD196-/+)
    • CCR6+(CD196+)
    • CCR6neg
    • CCR7(CD197)-
    • CCR7(CD197)+
    • CCR8+
    • CCR9+
    • CD1+
    • CD10-
    • CD10+
    • CD101+
    • CD103-
    • CD103+
    • CD105-
    • CD105+
    • CD106-
    • CD106+
    • CD107+
    • CD107a+ (LAMP-1)
    • CD112+
    • CD117+
    • CD11a+
    • CD11b-
    • CD11b high
    • CD11b+
    • CD11c-
    • CD11c_hi
    • CD11c_int
    • CD11c_low
    • CD11c+
    • CD12+
    • CD122 (IL2Rb)+
    • CD123-
    • CD123+
    • CD123dim
    • CD123high
    • CD123inter
    • CD123low
    • CD124 (IL4RA)+
    • CD126 (IL6Ra)+
    • CD127-
    • CD127-/dim
    • CD127+
    • CD127low
    • CD127low/-
    • CD132 (IL2RG)+
    • CD133-
    • CD133+
    • CD134+ (OX40+)
    • CD137+ (4-1BB)
    • CD138-
    • CD138-/+
    • CD138+
    • CD14-
    • CD14 Bright
    • CD14-/low
    • CD14+
    • CD14++
    • CD141-(BDCA3-)
    • CD141+ (BDCA3+)
    • CD144+
    • CD146-
    • CD146(MCAM)+
    • CD14dim
    • CD14hi
    • CD14low
    • CD15-
    • CD15+
    • CD152+
    • CD154+
    • CD155+
    • CD158a+
    • CD158b+
    • CD158b1+ (p58.2+)
    • CD158e+ (p70+)
    • CD158h+
    • CD158j+
    • CD158k+ (p140+)
    • CD15high
    • CD16-
    • CD16+
    • CD16++
    • CD161-
    • CD161+
    • CD161bright
    • CD161hi
    • CD162+ (PSGL1)
    • CD163-
    • CD163+
    • CD163dim
    • CD163high
    • CD163low
    • CD166(ALCAM)+
    • CD169-
    • CD169+
    • CD169high
    • CD169low
    • CD16b- (FcgRIIIb-)
    • CD16bright
    • CD16dim
    • CD16high
    • CD16neg
    • CD16neg/dim
    • CD16pos
    • CD18+
    • CD183-
    • CD183+ (CXCR3)
    • CD19-
    • CD19+
    • CD196-
    • CD196+
    • CD19low
    • CD1a-
    • CD1a_hi
    • CD1a_int
    • CD1a+
    • CD1b/c+
    • CD1b+
    • CD1c-
    • CD1c+ (BDCA1+)
    • CD1d high
    • CD1d+
    • CD2+
    • CD20-
    • CD20+
    • CD205+
    • CD206+
    • CD206+ (MMR+)
    • CD206+/high
    • CD206+/low
    • CD209+(DC-SIGN)
    • CD20dim
    • CD20low
    • CD21-
    • CD21+
    • CD212+ (IL-12R-b2)
    • CD21low
    • CD21neg/lo
    • CD22+
    • CD226-
    • CD226+
    • CD23-
    • CD23+
    • CD24-
    • CD24 low
    • CD24+
    • CD24++
    • CD243-
    • CD243+
    • CD244(2B4,SLAMF4)+
    • CD24high
    • CD24int
    • CD25- (IL-2Rα-)
    • CD25-/+ (IL-2Rα-/+)
    • CD25+ (IL-2Rα+)
    • CD25+/high (IL-2Rα+/high)
    • CD25++ (IL-2Rα++)
    • CD25+++ (IL-2Rα+++)
    • CD25bright (IL-2Rα bright)
    • CD25dim
    • CD25high (IL-2Rα high)
    • CD25int
    • CD25low
    • CD25low/- (IL-2Rα low/-)
    • CD25med
    • CD25neg
    • CD26-
    • CD26+
    • CD267+ (TNFRSF13B+, TACI+)
    • CD268+ (BAFF-R+, TNFRSF13C+)
    • CD269+ (BCMA+, TNFRSF13B+, TNFRSF17+)
    • CD26high
    • CD27-
    • CD27+
    • CD27+/-
    • CD27++
    • CD274+
    • CD279+
    • CD27BR
    • CD27hi
    • CD28-
    • CD28+
    • CD28+/-
    • CD282+ (TLR2+)
    • CD284+ (TLR4+)
    • CD29(integrin beta1)+
    • CD29(integrin beta1)high
    • CD3-
    • CD3+
    • CD30(TNFRSF8)+
    • CD301+
    • CD303- (BDCA2-)
    • CD303+ (BDCA2+)
    • CD304- (BDCA4-,Nrp1-)
    • CD304+ (BDCA4+,Nrp1+)
    • CD31+
    • CD314(NKG2D)-
    • CD314(NKG2D)+
    • CD319(SLAMF7)+
    • CD32-
    • CD33+
    • CD33hi
    • CD33inter
    • CD33neg/dim
    • CD34+
    • CD352(NTBA,SLAMF6)+
    • CD36+
    • CD38-
    • CD38-/+
    • CD38-/lo
    • CD38+
    • CD38+/-
    • CD38++
    • CD38BR
    • CD38dim
    • CD38high
    • CD38int
    • CD38low
    • CD38low/-
    • CD38neg
    • CD39+
    • CD3e-
    • CD3e+
    • CD4-
    • CD4+
    • CD4+/-
    • CD40+
    • CD40L+
    • CD43+
    • CD44+
    • CD45-
    • CD45-/dim
    • CD45+
    • CD45bright
    • CD45dim
    • CD45hi
    • CD45R-
    • CD45R+
    • CD45RA-
    • CD45RA high
    • CD45RA low
    • CD45RA+
    • CD45RA+/-
    • CD45RAbright
    • CD45RAneg
    • CD45RBhigh
    • CD45RBlow
    • CD45RO-
    • CD45RO+
    • CD45RO++
    • CD45ROhigh
    • CD45ROlow
    • CD45ROMed
    • CD48+
    • CD49a+
    • CD49d-
    • CD49d high (VLA4 high)
    • CD49d+
    • CD49e+
    • CD4dim
    • CD4hi
    • CD4lo
    • CD5-
    • CD5+
    • CD5+/-
    • CD54+
    • CD55+
    • CD56-
    • CD56+
    • CD56bright
    • CD56dim
    • CD56hi
    • CD56int
    • CD56low
    • CD57+
    • CD59+
    • CD6+
    • CD62L-
    • CD62L+ (L-selectin)
    • CD62L+/- (L-selectin)
    • CD62Llow
    • CD63+
    • CD64(FcgRI)+
    • CD66+
    • CD66b- (CEACAM8-)
    • CD66b high
    • CD66b+
    • CD68-
    • CD68+
    • CD69-
    • CD69+
    • CD7-
    • CD7+
    • CD70+
    • CD71+
    • CD73-
    • CD73+
    • CD74
    • CD77-
    • CD77+
    • CD78+
    • CD79+
    • CD8-
    • CD8+
    • CD80+
    • CD83-
    • CD83+
    • CD85j (ILT2)+
    • CD86+
    • CD8bright
    • CD8hi
    • CD8lo
    • CD94+
    • CD95-
    • CD95(FasR)+
    • CD95+/-
    • CD95high
    • CD95Low/Med
    • CD95Med
    • CD96+
    • CFSE-
    • CK-
    • CK+
    • CLA-
    • CLA+
    • CRTH2(CD294)+
    • CTLA-4-
    • CTLA-4_Intracellular+
    • CTLA-4_Surface+
    • CTLA-4+
    • CX3CR1+
    • CXCL13+
    • CXCL8+(IL8+)
    • CXCR1+
    • CXCR2+
    • CXCR3-(CD183-)
    • CXCR3-/+(CD183-/+)
    • CXCR3+(CD183+)
    • CXCR3hi(CD183hi)
    • CXCR3neg
    • CXCR4+
    • CXCR5-(CD185-)
    • CXCR5+(CD185+)
    • CXCR5hi/int(CD185hi/int)
    • CXCR6(CD186)-
    • CXCR7+
    • DC-LAMP+
    • DR+
    • DR3+
    • EB6+
    • E-cadherin+
    • ECP+
    • EG1+
    • EG2+
    • Elastase+
    • Eomes_hi
    • Eomes+
    • eotaxin+
    • Epcam+
    • EZH2-
    • EZH2+
    • Fas-
    • FasL (CD95L/CD178)
    • FceRI+
    • FceRII+
    • FcRL4+
    • FcRL5+
    • fHOBIThigh
    • FMC7+
    • FOXP3-
    • FOXP3+
    • FoxP3dim
    • FoxP3high
    • FoxP3Int
    • FoxP3low
    • FSC_high
    • FSC_im
    • FSC_low
    • gamma/delta-TCR-
    • gamma-delta-TCR+
    • gammaTCS1+
    • gammaV1+
    • gammaV2+
    • GARP+
    • Gata-3+
    • GITR+
    • gl183+
    • GM-CSF+
    • GM-CSFR+
    • GPA(CD235a)+
    • GranzymeA-
    • GranzymeA+
    • GranzymeB-
    • GranzymeB+
    • GranzymeK+
    • GranzymeM+
    • GZMB+
    • HBcAg-specific+
    • HBsAg-specific+
    • Helios+
    • HLA-ABC+
    • HLA-DR-
    • HLA-DR-/low
    • HLA-DR+
    • HLA-DR+/-
    • HLA-DRdim
    • HLA-DRhigh
    • HLA-DRint
    • HLA-DRlow
    • HMGB1-
    • HNK-1+
    • ICOS+
    • ICOShigh
    • ICOSL+
    • ICOSLhi
    • IDO+
    • IFNa+
    • IFNb+
    • IFNg-
    • IFNg+
    • IgA+
    • IgD-
    • IgD high
    • IgD low
    • IgD+
    • IgD++
    • IgE+
    • IgG-
    • IgG+
    • IgG4+
    • IgM-
    • IgM high
    • IgM low/int
    • IgM+
    • IgM+/-
    • IgM++
    • IL10-
    • IL10+
    • IL10R+
    • IL10Ra+
    • IL10Rb+
    • IL11+
    • IL11Ra+
    • IL12+
    • IL12p70+
    • IL13+
    • IL15+
    • IL15Ra(CD215)+
    • IL17-
    • IL17+
    • IL17a-
    • IL17a+
    • IL17F+
    • IL17RC
    • IL18+
    • IL18R+
    • IL18Ra+
    • IL1R1+
    • IL2-
    • IL2+
    • IL20R1+
    • IL21+
    • IL21R
    • IL22-
    • IL22+
    • IL22R+
    • IL23p19+
    • IL23R+
    • IL25+
    • IL2R+
    • IL33+
    • IL35+
    • IL36R+
    • IL37+
    • IL4-
    • IL4+
    • IL5+
    • IL6+
    • IL6R+
    • IL7Ra high
    • IL7Ra low
    • IL7Ra+
    • IL9+
    • ILT3high
    • iNOS+
    • Integrin alpha4 beta7 (LPAM-1)-
    • Integrin alpha4 beta7 (LPAM-1)+
    • Integrin beta7+
    • IP-10(CXCL10)+
    • I-TAC(CXCL11)+
    • Ki67-
    • Ki67+
    • KLRG1+
    • LAG3-
    • LAG3+
    • Langerin+ (CD207+)
    • LAP+
    • Lin-
    • Lin- (CD3-, CD19-, CD56-)
    • Lin1-
    • Lin1low/-
    • LLT1+
    • MAC387+
    • Mast Cell Chimase+ (MCC+)
    • Mast Cells Tryptase+ (MCT+)
    • MBP+
    • Melan-A tetramer+
    • MHC-I+
    • MHCII+ (HLAII+)
    • MPO+ (myeloperoxidase+)
    • MRP8-
    • MRP8+
    • MUM+
    • MUM1+
    • Neutrophil elastase+
    • NGF+
    • NKB1+
    • NKG2A
    • NKG2C+(KLRC2,CD159c)
    • NKp30
    • NKp44
    • NKp46
    • normal ratio kappa/lambda
    • NT3+
    • NY-ISO-1
    • OX40+
    • OX40L+
    • p53+
    • p75+ (AIRM-1+)
    • PAX
    • PCA-1
    • PD-1(CD279)-
    • PD-1+
    • PD-1++(high)
    • PD-1low
    • PD-L1-
    • PD-L1+(B7-H1+)
    • PD-L1hi
    • PD-L1int
    • PD-L1low
    • Perforin-
    • Perforin+
    • PRF1+
    • pSTAT3+
    • PTK7+
    • restriction kappa/lambda
    • RORc+
    • RORgt+
    • RUNX3+
    • S6F1+
    • S-AF647+
    • S-BV421+
    • SERT+
    • SIRPa+(CD172A+)
    • SLAMF1(CD150)+
    • SLAMF3(CD229+)
    • SLAMF5(CD84)+
    • SOCS3+
    • SSC_high
    • SSC_im
    • SSC_low
    • SSC_med
    • T-bet_dim
    • T-bet_hi
    • T-bet_int
    • T-bet_lo
    • T-bet+
    • TCF1+
    • TCR-zeta bright
    • TCR-zeta dim
    • TCR-zeta int
    • TGFb-
    • TGFb+
    • TIGIT-
    • TIGIT+
    • TIM-3+
    • Tissue Factor+ (TF+)
    • TLR3+
    • TLR4+
    • TLR7+
    • TLR9+
    • TNFa-
    • TNFa hi
    • TNFa low
    • TNFa+
    • TNFR2(TNFRSF1B)+
    • TOX+
    • TR+(Transferrin receptor)
    • TRAIL+
    • Tryptase+
    • TSLP+
    • UCHL1+
    • Va12+
    • Va2+
    • Va24+
    • Va24-Ja18(6B11)+
    • Va7.2+
    • vb1+
    • Vb11+
    • Vb12+
    • vb13.1+
    • vb13.2+
    • vb13.6+
    • Vb13+
    • vb14+
    • vb16+
    • vb17+
    • vb18+
    • Vb2+
    • vb20+
    • vb21.3+
    • vb21+
    • vb22+
    • vb23+
    • Vb3+
    • Vb4+
    • vb5.1+
    • Vb5.2+
    • Vb5.3+
    • Vb6.1+
    • vb7.1+
    • vb7.2+
    • Vb8+
    • Vb9+
    • Vd1+
    • Vd2-
    • Vd2+
    • VEGFR2(KDR)+
    • Vg9+
    • VLA1+(integrin-a1b1)
    • ZAP-70 bright
    • ZAP-70 dim
    • ZAP-70 int
  • 92595 values of cytokine/cell concentrations;
  • data extracted from 2462 papers/other public sources.